
Thursday, January 29, 2009

What Is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a common gynecological condition. It's a chronic, painful and often progressive disease in women.
Normally, the tissue that lines a woman's uterus, known as the endometrium, is found only in the uterus and is expelled from the body with each menstrual cycle. However, when a woman develops endometriosis, microscopic bits of this tissue escape from the uterus backwards into the abdomen and stick and grow on other abdominal/pelvic organs.
These endometrial cells usually implant throughout the pelvis, often involving other portions of the reproductive system, such as the ovaries, the outer wall of the uterus, the ligaments that support the uterus and the space between the uterus and the rectum. In rare cases, they can spread outside the abdomen and affect other organs, such as the lungs.
Like the endometrium itself, the transplanted tissue responds to the hormones estrogen and progesterone by thickening and may bleed every month. But because the transplanted tissue is embedded in other tissues, the blood it produces cannot escape. This causes irritation of the surrounding tissue which in turn causes cysts, scars and the fusing of body tissues. This can eventually bind the reproductive organs together so that they move as one mass when manipulated by a doctor. This can severely distort the normal anatomy of the pelvis and consequently have an extremely negative impact on fertility. Cases of endometriosis are classified as minimal, mild, moderate or severe, depending on the size of the lesions and how deeply they reach into the other organs. They are also referred to as stage I-IV. This is considered a benign condition.
It's estimated that endometriosis affects 3-10% of women of reproductive age, and 25-35% of infertile women. In women suffering from pelvic pain the prevalence is about 40-60%. The average age at diagnosis is between 20 and 29, with similar rates within races in socioeconomic status. Symptoms usually diminish at menopause, with the marked decline in the production of estrogen.
Normally, the tissue that lines a woman's uterus, known as the endometrium, is found only in the uterus and is expelled from the body with each menstrual cycle. However, when a woman develops endometriosis, microscopic bits of this tissue escape from the uterus backwards into the abdomen and stick and grow on other abdominal/pelvic organs.
These endometrial cells usually implant throughout the pelvis, often involving other portions of the reproductive system, such as the ovaries, the outer wall of the uterus, the ligaments that support the uterus and the space between the uterus and the rectum. In rare cases, they can spread outside the abdomen and affect other organs, such as the lungs.
Like the endometrium itself, the transplanted tissue responds to the hormones estrogen and progesterone by thickening and may bleed every month. But because the transplanted tissue is embedded in other tissues, the blood it produces cannot escape. This causes irritation of the surrounding tissue which in turn causes cysts, scars and the fusing of body tissues. This can eventually bind the reproductive organs together so that they move as one mass when manipulated by a doctor. This can severely distort the normal anatomy of the pelvis and consequently have an extremely negative impact on fertility. Cases of endometriosis are classified as minimal, mild, moderate or severe, depending on the size of the lesions and how deeply they reach into the other organs. They are also referred to as stage I-IV. This is considered a benign condition.
It's estimated that endometriosis affects 3-10% of women of reproductive age, and 25-35% of infertile women. In women suffering from pelvic pain the prevalence is about 40-60%. The average age at diagnosis is between 20 and 29, with similar rates within races in socioeconomic status. Symptoms usually diminish at menopause, with the marked decline in the production of estrogen.
What Causes Endometriosis?
Researchers do not know exactly why or how endometrial tissue reaches other parts of the body. One likely possibility involves a condition known as retrograde, or backward, menstruation. Normally during menstruation, portions of the sloughed-off uterine lining exit the uterus through the cervix and the vagina. But in retrograde menstruation, fragments of the endometrium flow back through the fallopian tubes and may then be carried into the abdominal cavity, giving rise to endometriosis. Doctors have found that endometriosis occurs more often in women with physical conditions that increase retrograde menstruation, such as obstructions in the vagina and cervix.
In the rare cases of endometriosis affecting the lungs or other tissue far from the uterus, researchers speculate that the stray endometrial fragments travel through the bloodstream or the lymphatic system, although no one knows just how this happens.Another theory suggests that endometrial tissue migrates outside the uterus on a fairly routine basis but develops into endometriosis only in women who have an immune system problem that prevents the body from destroying the displaced fragments.
Despite uncertainty about the specifics on why endometriosis develops, researchers have noticed some trends. The condition tends to run in families, which suggests that genetic influences play a role. Studies have also shown that endometriosis occurs more often in women who have a shorter-than-normal menstrual cycle or a longer-than-normal flow: Women who have fewer than 25 days between periods or who menstruate for more than seven days are twice as likely to develop endometriosis. Recent evidence also points to exposure to dioxin, an industrial chemical, as a possible cause.
There seems to be no direct relationship between the size of lesions and the severity of pelvic pain. Some women with small lesions report debilitating pain, while others with extensive lesions have no symptoms. Pain probably comes from the scarring and irritation caused by bleeding, or from endometrial tissue invading or growing on a nerve.
How the disease causes infertility also is unclear. In severe cases of endometriosis, stage IV anatomic distortion and adhesions have been implicated. Also destruction of the ovary by the endometriosis forming endometriomas places these women at increased risk for surgery and possible removal of ovaries. Data from women undergoing invitro fertilization treatment supports the notion that women with stage III and IV endometriosis have poor ovarian reserve. This does not explain why many women with tiny lesions are infertile.
Some investigators think the endometrial implants upset the process of ovulation. The implants may also hinder passage of the egg through the fallopian tubes by interfering with the tiny waving hairs responsible for moving the egg. Other research suggests that endometrial implants secrete chemicals that create an environment hostile to fertilization. But more study is needed to provide answers.
Pengalaman sedekahkan Al-Fatihah
"Au zubillah himinashsyaitan nirrajim ... Bismillahirrahmanni rrahim"
Tafsirannya: Aku berlindung dengan Allah daripada syaitan yang direjam, dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani.
Bacalah ayat ini sebelum anda memulakan apa-apa saja kerja kerana dengan bacaan ini akan keluarlah iblis dan syaitan yang berada di dalam tubuh kita dan juga di sekeliling kita, mereka akan berlari keluar umpama cacing kepanasan.
Sebelum anda masuk rumah, bacalah ayat di atas, kemudian bacalah surahAl-Ikhlas sebanyak 3 kali.
Masuklah rumah dengan kaki kanan dan dengan membaca bismillah. Berilah salam kepada anggota rumah dan sekiranya tiada orang di rumah berilah salam kerana malaikat rumah akan menyahut.
Amalkanlah bersolat kerana salam pertama (ianya wajib) yang diucapkan pada akhir solat akan membantu kita menjawab persoalan kubur. Apabilamalaikat memberi salam, seorang yang jarang bersolat akan sukar menjawabs alam tersebut. Tetapi bagi mereka yang kerap bersolat, amalan daripada salam yang diucap diakhir solat akan menolongnya menjawab salam malaikatitu.
Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W yang bermaksud: "Barangsiapa membaca surahAl-Ikhlas sewaktu sakit sehingga dia meninggal dunia, maka dia tidak akan membusuk di dalam kuburnya, akan selamat dia dari kesempitan kuburnya dan para malaikat akan membawanya dengan sayap mereka melintasi titian siratul mustaqim lalu menuju ke syurga. Demikian diterangkandalam Tadzikaratul Qurthuby).
Rasulullah SAW pernah bertanya sebuah teka-teki kepada umatnya:
Siapakah antara kamu yang dapat khatam Qur'an dalam jangka masa dua-tigaminit? Tiada seorang dari sahabatnya yang menjawab. Malah Saiyidina Umar telah mengatakan bahawa ianya mustahil untuk mengatam Qur'an dalam begitu cepat. Kemudiannya Saiyyidina Ali mengangkat tangannya. Saiyidina Umar bersuara kepada Saiyidina Ali bahawa Saiyidina Ali (yang sedang kecil pada waktu itu) tidak tahu apa yang dikatakannya itu.Lantas Saiyidina Ali membaca surah Al-Ikhlas tiga kali. Rasulullah SAW menjawab dengan mengatakan bahawa Saiyidina Ali betul.
Membaca surah Al-Ikhlas sekali ganjarannya sama dengan membaca 10 jus Kitab Al-Quran. Lalu dengan membaca surah Al-Ikhlas sebanyak tiga kali qatamlah Quran kerana ianya sama dengan membaca 30 jus Al-Quran.
Berkata Ibnu Abbas r.a. bahawa Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda: Ketika Saya (Rasulullah SAW) israk kelangit, maka saya telah melihat Arasy diatas 360,000 sendi dan jarak jauh antara satu sendi ke satu sendi ialah300,000 tahun perjalanan. Pada tiap-tiap sendi itu terdapat padang sahara sebanyak 12,000 dan luasnya setiap satu padang sahara itu seluas dari timur hingga kebarat. Pada setiap padang sahara itu terdapat 80,000malaikat yang mana kesemuanya membaca surah Al-Ikhlas.Setelah mereka selesai membaca surah tersebut maka berkata mereka:
Wahai Tuhan kami, sesungguhnya pahala dari bacaan kami ini kami berikan kepada orang yang membaca surah Al-Ikhlas baik ianya lelaki mahupun perempuan.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW lagi:
"Demi Allah yang jiwaku ditanganNya, sesungguhnya Qul Huwallahu Ahaduitu tertulis di sayap malaikat Jibrail a.s, AlLahus Somad itu tertulis disayap malaikat Mikail a.s, Lamyalid walam yuulad tertulis pada sayap malaikat Izrail a.s, Walam yakullahu kufuwan ahadu tertulis pada sayap malaikat Israfil a.s.
Sepertimana sabda Rasulullah SAW:
'Sampaikanlah pesananku walaupun satu ayat'.
Sesungguhnya apabila matinya seseorang anak Adam itu, hanya 3 perkara yang akan dibawanyabersama : 1
) Sedekah/amal jariahnya
2) Doa anak-anaknya yang soleh
3) Ilmu yang bermanfaat yang disampaikannya kepada orang lain.
Wassalam .
Friday, January 16, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Seketul Keju dan Sehelai Tuala Kecil
Rakaman ini dipetik dari program Motivasi Pagi -TV 3(6.30 pagi) oleh Ustazah Noorbayah Mahmood.
Seorang gadis datang menemui Rasulullah dengan tangankanannya disorokkan ke dalam poket bajunya. Dari rautwajahnya, anak gadis ini sedang menanggung kesakitanyang amat sangat. Lalu Rasulullah menegurnya."Wahai anakku, kenapa wajahmu menampakkan kamu sedangkesakitan dan apa yang kamu sorokkan di tanganmu?"Lalu gadis malang inipun menceritakan hal yang berlakupadanya :-"Ya,Rasulullah, sesungguhnya aku adalahanak yatim piatu. Malam tadi aku telah bermimpi danmimpiku itu telah membuatkan aku menanggung kesakitanini."Balas gadis tadi."Jika tidak jadi keberatan, ceritakanlah mimpimu ituwahai anakku."Rasulullah mula tertarik dengan penjelasan gadistersebut."Aku bermimpi berjumpa ibuku di dalam neraka.Keadaannya amat menyedihkan. Ibuku meminta diberikanair kerana dia amat dahaga kerana kepanasan api nerakaitu hingga peluh tidak sempat keluar kerana kekeringansekelip mata." Gadis itu berhenti seketika menahansebak."Kemudian kulihat ditangan kirinya ada seketul kejudan ditangan kanannya ada sehelai tuala kecil.Beliaumengibas-ngibaskan kedua-dua benda tersebut untukmenghalang api dari membakar tubuhnya. Lantas akubertanya ibuku, kenapa dia menerima balasan sebegiturupa sedangkan ketika hidupnya ibuku adalah seoranghamba yang patuh dengan ajaran islam dan isteri yangtaat kepada suaminya?Lalu ibuku memberitahu bahawa ketika hidupnya dia amatbakhil. Hanya dua benda itu sahaja iaitu seketul kejudan sehelai tuala kecil pernah disedekahkan kepadafakir. Yang lainnya hanya untuk bermuka-muka danmenunjukkan kelebihan hartanya sahaja.Lalu aku terus mencari ayahku. Rupanya beliau beradadi syurga dan sedang menjamu penghuni syurga denganmakanan yang lazat dan minuman dari telaga nabi.Ayahku memang amat terkenal kerana sikapnya yangdermawan dan kuat beramal. Lalu aku bertanya kepadaayahku. "Wahai ayah, ibu sedang kehausan dan menaggungazab di neraka.Tidakkah ayah ingin membantu ibusedangkan di dunia kulihat ibu amat mentaatimu danmenurut perintah agama.Lalu dijawab oleh ayahnya. Sesungguhnya beliau dansemua penghuni syurga telah dilarang oleh Allah darimemberi walau setitik air kepada isterinya kerana ituadalah pembalasan untuk kebakhilan yang dilakukanketika didunia.Oleh kerana kasihan melihat azab yang diterima olehibuku, aku lantas menceduk sedikit air mengguna tapaktangan kananku lalu dibawa ke neraka. Belum sempat airtersebut mencecah bibir ibuku, api neraka telahmenyambar tanganku sehingga melecur.Seketika itu juga aku tersedar dan mendapati tapaktanganku melecur teruk. Itulah sebabnya aku datangberjumpa engkau ya Rasulullah." Panjang lebar gadisitu bercerita sambil airmatanya tidak henti-hentimengalir dipipi.Rasulullah kemudian meletakkan tongkatnya ke tapaktangan gadis tersebut lalu menadah tangan, berdoamemohon petunjuk dari Allah. Jika sekiranya mimpigadis tersebut adalah benar maka disembuhkanlah agarmenjadi iktibar kepada beliau dan semua umat islam.Lalu berkat kebesaranNya tangan gadis tersebut sembuh.Rasulullah lantas berkata, "Wahai anakku, pulanglah.Banyakkan bersedekah dan berzikir dan pahalanya kauberikan kepada ibumu.Mudah-mudahan segala dosanyaterampun. INSYALLAH"
SEPULUH jenis seksaan yang menimpa wanita yang diperlihatkan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW ketika melalui peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj, membuatkan Rasulullah menangis setiap kali mengenangkannya. Dalam perjalanan itu, antaranya Baginda diperlihatkan:
(1) perempuan yang digantung dengan rambut dan otak di kepalanya mendidih. Mereka adalah perempuan yang tidak mahu melindungi rambutnya daripada dilihat lelaki lain.
(2) perempuan yang digantung dengan lidahnya.Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka menyakiti hati suami dengan kata-katanya.
(3) tangannya dikeluarkan daripada punggung.Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka menyakiti hati suami dengan kata-katanya.
(1) perempuan yang digantung dengan rambut dan otak di kepalanya mendidih. Mereka adalah perempuan yang tidak mahu melindungi rambutnya daripada dilihat lelaki lain.
(2) perempuan yang digantung dengan lidahnya.Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka menyakiti hati suami dengan kata-katanya.
(3) tangannya dikeluarkan daripada punggung.Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka menyakiti hati suami dengan kata-katanya.
(4) minyak panas dituangkan ke dalam kerongkongnya. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka menyakiti hati suami dengan kata-katanya.
(5) perempuan digantung buah dadanya dari arah p! unggung dan air pokok zakum dituang ke dalam kerongkongnya. Mereka adalah perempuan yang menyusui anak orang lain tanpa keizinan suaminya.
(6) perempuan diikat dua kakinya serta dua tangannya sampai ke ubun dan dibelit beberapa ular dan kala jengking. Mereka adalah perempuan yang boleh solat dan berpuasa tetapi tidak mahu mengerjakannya, tidak berwuduk dan tidak mahu mandi junub. Mereka sering keluar rumah tanpa mendapat izin suaminya terlebih dulu dan tidak mandi iaitu tidak bersuci selepas habis haid dan nifas.
(7) perempuan yang makan daging tubuhnya sendiri manakala di bawahnya ada api yang menyala. Mereka adalah perempuan yang berhias untuk dilihat lelaki lain dan suka menceritakan aib orang lain.
(8) perempuan yang memotong badannya sendiri dengan gunting dari neraka. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka memasyhurkan diri sendiri supaya orang melihat akan perhiasannya.
(9) perempuan yang kepalanya seperti kepala babi dan badannya pula seperti keldai. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka mengadu domba dan sangat suka berdusta.
(10) rupanya berbentuk anjing dan beberapa ekor ular serta kala jengking masuk ke dalam mulutnya dan keluar melalui duburnya. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka marah kepada suaminya dan memfitnah orang lain.
(5) perempuan digantung buah dadanya dari arah p! unggung dan air pokok zakum dituang ke dalam kerongkongnya. Mereka adalah perempuan yang menyusui anak orang lain tanpa keizinan suaminya.
(6) perempuan diikat dua kakinya serta dua tangannya sampai ke ubun dan dibelit beberapa ular dan kala jengking. Mereka adalah perempuan yang boleh solat dan berpuasa tetapi tidak mahu mengerjakannya, tidak berwuduk dan tidak mahu mandi junub. Mereka sering keluar rumah tanpa mendapat izin suaminya terlebih dulu dan tidak mandi iaitu tidak bersuci selepas habis haid dan nifas.
(7) perempuan yang makan daging tubuhnya sendiri manakala di bawahnya ada api yang menyala. Mereka adalah perempuan yang berhias untuk dilihat lelaki lain dan suka menceritakan aib orang lain.
(8) perempuan yang memotong badannya sendiri dengan gunting dari neraka. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka memasyhurkan diri sendiri supaya orang melihat akan perhiasannya.
(9) perempuan yang kepalanya seperti kepala babi dan badannya pula seperti keldai. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka mengadu domba dan sangat suka berdusta.
(10) rupanya berbentuk anjing dan beberapa ekor ular serta kala jengking masuk ke dalam mulutnya dan keluar melalui duburnya. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka marah kepada suaminya dan memfitnah orang lain.
Etiquettes of Joking
As the Imam got up after Friday prayers, he announced to the people: "I have good news and bad news. The good news is, Alhamdulillaah, we have enough money to pay for our new building project. The bad news is, it's still out there in your pockets!
Some people think that there is no place in Islaam for laughs and jokes like these, that Islaam is all about seriousness and harshness, and the one who does joke or ‘lightens up’ a bit, is crossing bounds. And on the other hand, there are some, especially our youth, who actually DO go beyond bounds in their joking and having ‘fun’. They cross all limits, carry things too far and don’t know what is appropriate and what is not.
Actually, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.Alhamdulillaah, our religion is perfect and it has set guidelines for everything, in every walk of life. Following the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) is the key to everything and it shows us that the Prophet (pbuh) used to smile and joke with his companions:
A man came to the Prophet (pbuh) and said: “Give me an animal to ride on” the Prophet (pbuh) replied: “I will give you the son of a female camel”. The man said with astonishment: “What could I do with the son of a female camel?” (thinking that he would be given a camel too small to ride). Thereupon, the Messenger of Allaah (pbuh) replied: “What do female camels deliver except camels?” (i.e., that every camel, even if it is fully grown, is the product of a female camel!). (Abu Daawood & Tirmidhi).
However there are certain guidelines to follow, according to the Sunnah, when it comes to joking, laughing and having fun.
1) MAKE SURE you don’t make fun of any aspect of Islam:Jokes should not involve verses from the Qur’aan, hadeeth, or any of fundamentals of Islaam. Unfortunately, some people tell jokes about the verses of the Qur’aan, Prophets, angels, or they make fun of the Hijaab, the beard, etc. This is the most dangerous as it can make a person a Kaafir, EVEN IF YOU ARE ONLY JOKING.
Shaikh Al-‘Uthaymeen said: “One who mocks Allaah, His verses, His signs or His Messengers is a disbeliever because this action nullifies belief.”
And the Prophet (pbuh) said:“A slave (of Allaah) would utter a word, without paying attention to it, which would result in him going down into the Hellfire further than the distance between the east and the west.” (Muslim).So the sister in the Niqaab is NOT A NINJAA and the brother who shortens his pants or lengthens his beard is NOT A NERD!
“If you ask them, they declare: ‘We were only talking idly and joking.’ Say: ‘Was it at Allaah, and His verses and His Messenger that you were mocking? ’Make no excuse; you disbelieved after you had believed” [al-Tawbah:65-66]
2) NEVER joke about something that is HARAM:Some people, especially the youth living in the western society tend to take the things that are Haraam too lightly and something to joke about. For example, they make jokes about a person being GAY or being ‘high’, having committed zinaa, etc.Subhaan Allah! We forget that these are things among the worst in the sight of Allaah and bring on Allaah’s wrath and curse and are certainly NOT things to joke about.
3) Say ONLY that which is true: The Prophet (pbuh) used to joke but he would only speak the truth. Someone asked the Prophet (pbuh): “Do you joke with us?” He (pbuh) replied: “I do, but I only say that which is true” (Tirmidhi & Bukhaari--Adab al-Mufrad)
If it involves lying and making up stories, then it is not allowed. The Prophet (pbuh) said, "Woe to the one who speaks and tells a lie in order to make the people laugh at it. Woe to him. Then again, woe to him." (Abu Dawud, al-Tirmidhi and al-Nasaa’i)
4) Don’t make jokes to make ‘FUN’ of people:Be careful that your joking does not hurt anybody’s feelings or harms them in any way. So don’t make those snide remarks or wink behind their backs.
“O you who believe! Let not a group ridicule another group, it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor let (some) women scoff at other women, it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor defame one another, nor insult one another by nicknames. How bad is it to insult one’s brother after having Faith” [Hujuraat:11]
5) Don’t laugh if someone slips or falls or is afflicted with something:The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Do not express malicious joy towards your brother’s misfortune, for Allaah may have mercy on him and you may be stricken by the thing you made fun of.” (al-Tirmidhi).
6) Never scare anybody while joking or otherwise:The Messenger of Allaah (pbuh) said: ‘It is not permissible for a Muslim to frighten another Muslim.’” (Abu Dawood).
7) Joking should not involve backbiting:Don’t ever joke about others when they are not there, even if you ‘think’ they wouldn’t mind, as it would involve backbiting.“[Backbiting is] your mentioning about your brother something that he dislikes.” (Muslim)
8) Beware of excessive laughing and joking:Don’t be like the one who jokes ALL the time. The amount of joking should be like the amount of salt in one’s food, as too much laughing and joking makes the heart hard, distracts one from the remembrance of Allaah and makes you lose respect.
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Do not laugh too much, for laughing too much deadens the heart.” (Saheeh al-Jaami)
‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab said: “Whoever laughs too much or jokes too much loses respect, and whoever persists in doing something will be known for it.”
9) Choose appropriate time and place for your jokes:Some people don’t appreciate the time or place for joking and do so indiscriminately.There is a time and place for everything. For example, what might be amusing at a picnic or at the dinner table might not be so amusing in the middle of a Halaqah.
Sufyaan ibn ‘Uyaynah said, “….. it (joking) is Sunnah, but only for those who know how to do it and do it at the appropriate time.”
10) Use appropriate language:Some people resort to immoral or obscene language when joking around, even though under ‘normal’ circumstances they would not even think of using such words.
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “The Muslim does not slander, curse, speak obscenely or speak rudely.” (Tirmidhi--saheeh by al-Albaani).
11) Acknowledge people’s status. Some people may joke with everyone indiscriminately, but scholars and the elderly have special positions and rights, so you have to be aware of the character of the person with whom you are dealing. You should also not joke with people whom you do not know or who won’t understand, or it may lead to unpleasantness.‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-‘Azeez said: “Fear joking, for it is folly and generates grudges.”
Thus we see that Islam is not against jokes. Good humor is part of Islam and Islam does not go against this because it is typically a part of human nature. A Muslim should develop a positive and optimistic personality, and not a gloomy and pessimistic one that is negative towards life. However, moderation is the key, and it is what distinguishes Muslims from others. We don’t go overboard in our jokes and humor, (or in anything else, for that matter) and if we follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh), and his guidance, we will certainly not get lost
Some people think that there is no place in Islaam for laughs and jokes like these, that Islaam is all about seriousness and harshness, and the one who does joke or ‘lightens up’ a bit, is crossing bounds. And on the other hand, there are some, especially our youth, who actually DO go beyond bounds in their joking and having ‘fun’. They cross all limits, carry things too far and don’t know what is appropriate and what is not.
Actually, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.Alhamdulillaah, our religion is perfect and it has set guidelines for everything, in every walk of life. Following the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) is the key to everything and it shows us that the Prophet (pbuh) used to smile and joke with his companions:
A man came to the Prophet (pbuh) and said: “Give me an animal to ride on” the Prophet (pbuh) replied: “I will give you the son of a female camel”. The man said with astonishment: “What could I do with the son of a female camel?” (thinking that he would be given a camel too small to ride). Thereupon, the Messenger of Allaah (pbuh) replied: “What do female camels deliver except camels?” (i.e., that every camel, even if it is fully grown, is the product of a female camel!). (Abu Daawood & Tirmidhi).
However there are certain guidelines to follow, according to the Sunnah, when it comes to joking, laughing and having fun.
1) MAKE SURE you don’t make fun of any aspect of Islam:Jokes should not involve verses from the Qur’aan, hadeeth, or any of fundamentals of Islaam. Unfortunately, some people tell jokes about the verses of the Qur’aan, Prophets, angels, or they make fun of the Hijaab, the beard, etc. This is the most dangerous as it can make a person a Kaafir, EVEN IF YOU ARE ONLY JOKING.
Shaikh Al-‘Uthaymeen said: “One who mocks Allaah, His verses, His signs or His Messengers is a disbeliever because this action nullifies belief.”
And the Prophet (pbuh) said:“A slave (of Allaah) would utter a word, without paying attention to it, which would result in him going down into the Hellfire further than the distance between the east and the west.” (Muslim).So the sister in the Niqaab is NOT A NINJAA and the brother who shortens his pants or lengthens his beard is NOT A NERD!
“If you ask them, they declare: ‘We were only talking idly and joking.’ Say: ‘Was it at Allaah, and His verses and His Messenger that you were mocking? ’Make no excuse; you disbelieved after you had believed” [al-Tawbah:65-66]
2) NEVER joke about something that is HARAM:Some people, especially the youth living in the western society tend to take the things that are Haraam too lightly and something to joke about. For example, they make jokes about a person being GAY or being ‘high’, having committed zinaa, etc.Subhaan Allah! We forget that these are things among the worst in the sight of Allaah and bring on Allaah’s wrath and curse and are certainly NOT things to joke about.
3) Say ONLY that which is true: The Prophet (pbuh) used to joke but he would only speak the truth. Someone asked the Prophet (pbuh): “Do you joke with us?” He (pbuh) replied: “I do, but I only say that which is true” (Tirmidhi & Bukhaari--Adab al-Mufrad)
If it involves lying and making up stories, then it is not allowed. The Prophet (pbuh) said, "Woe to the one who speaks and tells a lie in order to make the people laugh at it. Woe to him. Then again, woe to him." (Abu Dawud, al-Tirmidhi and al-Nasaa’i)
4) Don’t make jokes to make ‘FUN’ of people:Be careful that your joking does not hurt anybody’s feelings or harms them in any way. So don’t make those snide remarks or wink behind their backs.
“O you who believe! Let not a group ridicule another group, it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor let (some) women scoff at other women, it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor defame one another, nor insult one another by nicknames. How bad is it to insult one’s brother after having Faith” [Hujuraat:11]
5) Don’t laugh if someone slips or falls or is afflicted with something:The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Do not express malicious joy towards your brother’s misfortune, for Allaah may have mercy on him and you may be stricken by the thing you made fun of.” (al-Tirmidhi).
6) Never scare anybody while joking or otherwise:The Messenger of Allaah (pbuh) said: ‘It is not permissible for a Muslim to frighten another Muslim.’” (Abu Dawood).
7) Joking should not involve backbiting:Don’t ever joke about others when they are not there, even if you ‘think’ they wouldn’t mind, as it would involve backbiting.“[Backbiting is] your mentioning about your brother something that he dislikes.” (Muslim)
8) Beware of excessive laughing and joking:Don’t be like the one who jokes ALL the time. The amount of joking should be like the amount of salt in one’s food, as too much laughing and joking makes the heart hard, distracts one from the remembrance of Allaah and makes you lose respect.
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Do not laugh too much, for laughing too much deadens the heart.” (Saheeh al-Jaami)
‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab said: “Whoever laughs too much or jokes too much loses respect, and whoever persists in doing something will be known for it.”
9) Choose appropriate time and place for your jokes:Some people don’t appreciate the time or place for joking and do so indiscriminately.There is a time and place for everything. For example, what might be amusing at a picnic or at the dinner table might not be so amusing in the middle of a Halaqah.
Sufyaan ibn ‘Uyaynah said, “….. it (joking) is Sunnah, but only for those who know how to do it and do it at the appropriate time.”
10) Use appropriate language:Some people resort to immoral or obscene language when joking around, even though under ‘normal’ circumstances they would not even think of using such words.
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “The Muslim does not slander, curse, speak obscenely or speak rudely.” (Tirmidhi--saheeh by al-Albaani).
11) Acknowledge people’s status. Some people may joke with everyone indiscriminately, but scholars and the elderly have special positions and rights, so you have to be aware of the character of the person with whom you are dealing. You should also not joke with people whom you do not know or who won’t understand, or it may lead to unpleasantness.‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-‘Azeez said: “Fear joking, for it is folly and generates grudges.”
Thus we see that Islam is not against jokes. Good humor is part of Islam and Islam does not go against this because it is typically a part of human nature. A Muslim should develop a positive and optimistic personality, and not a gloomy and pessimistic one that is negative towards life. However, moderation is the key, and it is what distinguishes Muslims from others. We don’t go overboard in our jokes and humor, (or in anything else, for that matter) and if we follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh), and his guidance, we will certainly not get lost
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